This sounds so counter-intuitive! How can oils reduce acne? Well it happens that oils bind to oils, and with special cleansing oils, pores become deep cleaned and comedones become cleared.

skin cleansing oil

With acne, it is known that the sebaceous oil-producing glands of the skin go into overdrive. Therefore, most patients sadly tend to shun the idea of placing additional oils on their face for fear or worsening breakouts and oily skin.

Our cleansing oils will reduce acne & skin oiliness:

Our Melanopeel oil blends have been expertly & scientifically crafted. In reality, the complete opposite happens when our skin oils are used. Your skin becomes less oily, and acne breakouts decrease.

Sebum oils in skin are locked deeply within the pores, and this sebum provides a nourishing meal for p.acnes bacteria which causes your acne. Washing with facial cleansers are good for removing surface oils, makeup and impurities. But what about that deeper-seated oil? Well, oil and water don’t mix. As a result, your regular cleanser can do just so much for getting you that deeper clean. Oils bind to oils, so the right skin oils can penetrate even deeper into your skin.

This is where our non-comedogenic cleansing oils come in. They are expertly crafted with our unique blend of balanced skin oils. Lipids are able to bind to sebum within the pores, helping to clear deep-seated oils that can result in acne.

Simple to use:

When doing our oil cleansing, there are simple steps.

  1. Step 1 – Place a few drops of our cleansing oil blends onto the skin, and massage for 30 seconds.
  2. Step 2 – Wipe off gently with a facial cloth soaked in warm water.
  3. Step 3 – Add your finishing serum.

Melanopeel has developed an even stronger oil cleansing method – the Hydroxy Acid Oil Cleanse. Click here for instructions.

Video instructions:

See the steps to our Proprietary Melanopeel Oil Cleanse

The result? Very clean soft hydrated skin.

Our cleansing oils are also sensuosly scented for an amazing spa-like feel after treatment.

The benefits of the Melanopeel cleansing oils:

Each oil contains a nutritious blend of antioxidant plant proanthocyanidins , astringent bioactive tannins, and anti inflammatory plant polyphenols.

This means that your skin not only feels clean with fewer breakouts, but is also being treated for inflammation and is receiving a boost of protection against the external environment.

oils to reduce acne

A triple benefit happens when using the Melanopeel® Premium Grade Cleansing oils. Our proprietary oil blends are truly sensuous. We have carefully chosen the best combination of skin clarifying oils. They deep clean, provide nourishment, hydration, and much needed protection to the skin. Our light silky oils are also nourishing, hydrating, calming, and protective.

Ask your Melanopeel clinic about professional oil cleansing facials:

For a more advanced deep nourishing oil cleanse, contact your clinic for a professional Oil Cleansing MelanoFacial™ treatment.

The Melanopeel cleansing oils:

Each of our sensuous blended cleansing oils can be used for their anti-acne and antiaging properties. They can be used once or twice a week when not using your medicated cleansers.

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