Good Quality Botanicals In Medical Skincare.

The Melanopeel Botanicals

The Melanopeel® Skin Clarity System is known for it’s powerful medical grade skin care. But we are also known for our balancing act of utilizing the synergies of botanical science.

Medical grade skin care changes the physiology and behavior of the skin on a cellular level. To do this, skin needs to be resurfaced. Skin resurfacing breaches your barrier membrane, which we need to protect.

Failure to replenish and respect this natural barrier protection can result in detrimental consequences to your skin.

A damaged barrier membrane results in prolonged skin sensitivity, irritation, and exposure to damaging UV light and environmental free-radicals.

We use cutting-edge formulations to ensure that your skin remains healthy while we completely transform your skin. To do this, our medicated cleansers, toners, serums, and creams are all balanced by skin-protective ingredients.

We incorporate premium quality and high purity anti-inflammatory botanicals into every Melanopeel® product.

Our key botanical list is included below. This list is not exhaustive, but we are highlighting those with the most profound effects on your skin.

botanicals in test tube

The Melanopeel Botanicals:

Green Tea :- Asian green tea is a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory polyphenols & methylxanthines. Soothes skin, is anti-aging, and fights environmental free radicals.

Asian White Tea:– Is a more potent anti-inflammatory agent than the very popular green tea. It is less processed than green tea making it a more concentrated source of antioxidants.

Pomegranate :-A very powerful antioxidant with concentrated levels of vitamin C, potassium, and plant polyphenols ellagitannins and anthocyanins. These are anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and can also provide sun protection.

Aloe Vera :- a potent healer, with soothing and anti-aging effects.

Witch Hazel :- A traditional natural anti-acne ingredient and oil controlling astringent. This botanical can be used on sensitive skin, and helps in healing.

Resveratrol :- A potent anti aging antioxidant derived from grapes. It fights skin aging free radicals, and is also a known antimicrobial agent.

Kojic Acid :- An effective natural skin lightener discovered in Japan, and derived from a native mushroom. It is also an antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory compound.

melanopeel botanical serum
High grade botanicals are incorporated into every Melanopeel® product

Licorice Root :- This Mediterranean root is well known for its regenerative, anti-inflammatory, soothing and antioxidant properties. It is also a powerful natural inhibitor of melanogenesis and skin lightener.

Mulberry Leaf :- A traditional Chinese herb concentrated with sterols, flavenoids, and free-radical fighting antioxidants. It also contains the natural skin lightening agent arbutin which decreases skin pigmentation.

Bearberry :- Another potent anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial botanical. It is also a proven skin lightener containing the active ingredient arbutin, which evens skintone.

Niacinamide :-  This ingredient is derived from Vitamin B3, and is found naturally in all cells. This is a potent anti-aging, stimulates collagen, is a skin lightening agent,  and also moisturizes the skin. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help to control acne.

Macadamia Nut :- This wonderful Hawaiian oil has an excellent balance of plant phytosterols which is similar to the lipids found in human skin. It is highly anti-oxidant and protective.

Argan Oil :- A magical repairing skin oil from Northern Africa. It replenishes the lipid layer of the skin, and rapidly helps skin recover. It contains essential lipids, and is strongly antioxidant. This non-clogging oil works well with acne prone and aging skin.

Hemp Seed Oil :- Another antioxidant oil with vitamin E, linolenic acid, vitamin F, and potent botanical phytosterols. This repairing skin oil is also anti-inflammatory and helps protect skin from aging. It is non-comedogenic, and works well with acne prone skin.

Hazelnut Oil :-  This skin-nourishing repairing skin oil is rich in anti-oxidants, essential skin lipids, natural oil tannins, catechins, and astringents. A non-clogging oil that works well with acne prone and aging skin.

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